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Food for Thought can fit with various learning modules and term topics including health and wellbeing, science, inquiry, mathematics, reading, and writing. 

Participating schools will get their own personal Nutritionist to deliver 3 x 1-hour sessions per class. Teaching resources are provided to help you make the most of the programme even after your Nutritionist has left!

Participating classes will receive a supermarket voucher at the completion of the programme to plan and share some healthy kai using the knowledge gained from all the Food for Thought sessions.

Your Nutritionist will liaise with you directly to discuss programme delivery for your school and any additions or personalisation you may require.

Session 1: This session teaches tamariki about the positive role food plays in nourishing a healthy body and mind. We'll take a fun dive into food groups, essential nutrients, and how they keep our bodies thriving.

Session 2: Students become Food Detectives, learning to analyse nutrition labels on packaged foods. An interactive activity discovering the sugar content in drinks will have the whole class guessing!

Session 3: Hands-on learning experience at your local New World, PAK’nSAVE, or Four Square, where tamariki put their newfound knowledge and skills into action by completing a label reading activity in-store

Nutrition Advisors from the Heart Foundation also support the delivery of Food for Thought in schools across Aotearoa. 

Find your local Heart Foundation Nutrition Advisor
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