October 2019 Food for Thought with Arapohue School. Pictured here is the senior classroom outside of Four Square, Dargaville. “A big thank you to the store staff, teachers, parents and grandparents who supported our session. What a fantastic school and community. I very much enjoyed my time with you.” Abi Alger, Nutrition Advisor, Heart Foundation, Northland Branch.

Last week the senior classes from Holy Cross School were busy learning which foods are best for keeping their bodies healthy. Pictured below we can see room 18 comparing breakfast cereal labels and also ranking fizzy drinks from the lowest to the highest sugar content. The questions came thick and fast from each of the four classes - it’s so rewarding to engage with such awesome learners. Ka pai!

A few weeks ago, five classes from Westburn primary school participated in Food for Thought. The students explored the aisles of their local New World in Ilam. They showed great enthusiasm and did an excellent job at being food detectives. It was also great to see the support of 28 parent helpers who came along to the supermarket visit and assisted the classes in their investigative work. Well done Westburn students, parents and teachers – a great job completed by everyone!

Last week the students from Stirling school traveled to Balclutha New World for their final session of Food for Thought. Owners Julie and Craig invited the students inside to investigate their supermarket aisles. The students worked efficiently and made great comparisons between different food products. We hope that the students of Stirling school continue to use the skills learnt in Food for Thought when making everyday food choices.

The kids at Henderson Primary School had a challenge to make a healthy sandwich, wrap or salad, and a smoothie for their classroom. The competition criteria included appearance, taste, texture, culture, teamwork and using healthy ingredients. They drew on new skills taught by Lesley Carter, Nutrition Advisor from the Heart Foundation, who was also one of the competition judges. Each of the three year 5-6 classes were given a $60 food voucher to spend at Pak ‘n’ Save on their healthy shared meal and all teams were supported and mentored by parents and adult helpers. As part of their inquiry topic, the students in Team Karearea decided to have a MasterChef Challenge on the last day of term. Congratulations to Room 10, year 5-6 MasterChef Winners – Winning café-style Salad and mango smoothie!

Omanu School rounded off Term Two with an information packed couple of weeks of Food for Thought resulting in some great positive learnings from everyone involved. And some great feedback from the teachers. Also a massive Thank You to Mount Maunganui New World for their ongoing support of local schools.
Cool visit to deliver the Food for Thought program to STEAM students in sunny Nelson. We had a bit of a different in class learning space with the sessions held in the meeting room at Pak N Save Richmond ( they loved the wheelie chairs). Great food discussions were had and the everyday food picnic you all made looks delicious, Ka pai!
In the first classroom session, students learnt about the four food groups and healthy foods to put in their lunchbox. Students worked diligently on a worksheet putting a list of foods into their corresponding food group. Students applied their knowledge from the second classroom session on label reading at New World Tokoroa. These photos show students practising their label reading skills on real food labels to help them to identify healthier options and putting fruit and veges into their correct colour group. The students from Strathmore School enjoyed the supermarket visit and were rapt with their free lunchboxes.